How To Take Screen Shot In Mac OS

Screen Shot In Mac OS X :

Posted By Tony Bravo 21 April 2015

Method : 1.

  • Make sure your screen displays exactly what you want to show in your screenshot image. Ensure all the relevant windows are visible.

  • Press "Command" + "Shift" + "3". If your sound is on, your computer should make a brief camera shutter noise.

  • Find your screenshot on your desktop. It will be saved as "screenshot" labeled with the date and time.

Earlier versions of OS X will save it as "Picture #" ---for example, if it's the 4th screenshot on your desktop it will be labeled "Picture 4".

Method : 2.

  • Press "Command"+"^ Control"+"Shift"+"3". This method works exactly like the one above, except the screenshot does not immediately create a file. Instead, the image is saved to the clipboard, the same temporary storage area where your computer remembers the text that you have copied.

You can also take a portion screenshot with this method using "Command"+"^ Control"+"Shift"+"4" and dragging your reticle over the appropriate part of your screen, exactly as the portion screenshot method.

  • Use "Command"+"V" or Edit > Paste to paste your image. Your screenshot image can be pasted straight into any compatible application. such as Word document, an image editing program, and many email services.

Method : 3.

  • Go to Applications > Utilities > Grab . This opens the Grab applications. You will see the menus shown in the upper left of your screen, but no windows will open.

  • Click the Capture menu and choose between the four different options.

  • To take a picture of your entire screen, click on Screen (or just use the keyboard command Apple Key  + Z). A windows will pop up telling you where to click and letting you know that the window will not appear in the shot.

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